Complain or live?
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
D.H. Lawrence
Animals don’t perceive anything unusual about their circumstances; they don’t cast themselves as victims or wallow in self-pity. To them, this is life, their life, and they accept that it can take varied forms. They continue to function, to hunt to the best of their ability, to build the best nests they can, and to savor the fattest worms they can find. If things don’t always go as planned, they don’t lament their fate; instead, they find contentment in what they have and persevere, trying until their last breath.
In contrast, we humans often feel sorry for ourselves due to the challenges we face — alienation, mistreatment, and more. Yet, we treat ourselves more harshly than we would ever treat our friends. We surrender to despair and cling to the victim mindset.
Let’s stop assigning blame, to ourselves or others, for the way we were born. Let’s bestow the love that every living being deserves upon one another, as well as to those in our midst, because love is a universal entitlement.
Life itself won’t alter its magical course if we complain incessantly. Constructing a negative narrative around it only perpetuates critical and disheartening thoughts, ensuring that negativity becomes a daily companion. Instead, I propose consistently viewing the other side of the coin. Even in the face of exceptionally tragic events, such as death, consider the words of D.H. Lawrence — this is life. It’s a tapestry of happiness and sorrow, predictability and unpredictability, and it encompasses birth, death, childhood, adulthood, old age, scarcity, prosperity, and more.
In many anime and magical tales, there’s an emphasis on equivalent exchange: what you receive, you must give back. This mirrors nature’s harmonious workings. In the realm of magic, as in the real world, there are always consequences and costs for actions. Death and birth are essential elements of the balance in the world, reflecting the circle of life. This equilibrium is echoed in every aspect of our existence.
Life has never been and will never be entirely fair, offering equality to all. What matters is how we navigate the cards we’re dealt, the choices we make, and where they lead us. Let’s embrace life as it is, refraining from complaints and self-pity. Let’s shed the victim role and strive to make the most of it, cherishing each moment, whether joyful or trying, for each shapes and transforms us.

Organize your life.
The first publication in the Untold product series, created to share methodology for organizing everyday life, cultivating systematic discipline, and developing proper habits. Drawing from the author's experience, knowledge, beliefs, and commonly available coaching tools, she aims to inspire you to take action and present you with a straightforward approach to achieving fulfillment and building self-esteem. Written in a simple way, it contains examples from everyday life, practical tips, exercises, and beautiful graphics. Available in e-book and audiobook.
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